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Updated: Oct 21, 2019


Using Your Imagination

Leslie Juvin-Acker has dedicated her life to helping others help themselves by showing them that they have the power to change their thoughts. Leslie is so educated on the power of our thoughts and she breaks down how we can all make positive changes. I love Leslie’s story and all of the tools that she provides to help others improve their well-being. In this episode Leslie talks about the power of positive thoughts, using your imagination, and starting with what’s physical.


Leslie has an amazing story of how she took control of her life to get her to where she is today. One of my favorite things that Leslie says in this episode is about her struggle with postpartum depression. Leslie felt like she had no control or power over the way she felt. And then she had a life changing realization that she needed to start making choices about her own care. Leslie says, if I couldn’t control how I felt, then I could control how I thought. And that’s what she did. I can relate to this so much in those times when I am feeling completely overwhelmed and out of control about my emotions. Starting to focus on my thoughts is an amazing tool that really helps me rationalize.


I love when Leslie speaks about the power of our subconscious. She reminds us that we are all highly imaginative beings and that we need to use that imagination for good. Leslie suggests that instead of imagining the worst possible scenario all of the time (I am totally guilty of this!), that we should start imagining the best possible scenario. She says, our subconscious mind has so much power.  If we can start making more loving choices in the present, that will help us to grow later on. Leslie says that the body can either grow or it can protect itself, it can’t do both at the same time. She says, if we are in stress mode, trying to protect our self, we are stopping our growth processes. Leslie is exactly the reminder that I need to focus on having less stress and more love in my life!


I love how Leslie breaks down how to take control of your wellness. She says, your body will tell you when you are under stress. Which is so true! When we are dealing with stressors emotionally and mentally, it usually takes it’s toll on our physical bodies as well. When this happens, Leslie suggests starting with what’s physical, which I love so much because I am always talking about the power of our environments and our routines.

Leslie likens this to watching negative programming on TV.  If you don’t like it, you need to change the channel. Leslie says that it’s easiest to start with what’s physical because it can be the most obvious to make changes here. We can start taking care of ourselves, sleeping more, eating better, exercising, removing clutter. And then we can start to address our emotional and mental stressors.


The Money Formula by Leslie Juvin-Acker

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

About The Hostess of The Simply Lived In Podcast

Meg Rohs is a designer, podcaster, and amateur chef with dreams of a beautifully simple life.  Her obsession is giving women tools that facilitate wellness. 

She says, “This small town Wisconsin gal was once a suburban kid with big city dreams. But illness in my family, marrying a country boy, and actually getting in tune with myself, helped me to figure out my secret to health and happiness. I bet you can guess what it is: Keeping it simple!”

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Our parents shape our financial beliefs for better or for worse. In my guest appearance on The Power House podcast with Candy Barone, we discuss just how our parents shape our financial beliefs and how we can redefine them to create greater feelings of wealth in our lives and careers.

how our parents shape our financial beliefs

Our Parents Shape Our Financial Beliefs In Surprising Ways

Surprisingly, how our parents share our financial beliefs influences our life behaviors especially when it comes to money. We often feel like we don’t deserve money, money makes us anxious, there isn’t enough money, or that we’re not in love with money and we don’t treat it right.

This is my story: I saw my parents fight about money and never come to a resolution. As a result, I learned the belief that parents fight about money endlessly and that’s a normal part of marriage. As adults, we sometimes become conscious of these behaviors and we make a commitment to change. However, we can’t seem to extricate the thoughts and feelings to permanently change our financial behaviors. The goal of The Money Formula is to dis-attach the negative feeling and thoughts of money and reassign them to new, life-affirming beliefs.

Disrupting How Our Parents Shape Our Financial Beliefs Begins With Our Emotions

For example, we can know that splurging on something isn’t right for us, but we feel like we deserve it. Since we are emotional creatures, we must dive into the emotional experience to come to new, logical conclusions about money. We often associate our financial network to our self-worth. We have a self-perception of our own value and what we give to other people. Not everything is quantifiable. By examining our self-worth, we cannot avoid confronting our thoughts and feelings about money.

Candy shares her experience with a money coach and how this person helped her to fall in love with money. She says that money is an energy and whether or not we are qualifying money as good, bad, or indifferent. By diving into our feelings about money through The Money Formula emotional intelligence technique, we can really commit to clearing out our patterns. By clearing out those old beliefs, we can reveal new truths that can help us get new jobs, more money, and better business relationships.

Identify The True Meaning of Wealth Outside Your Parent’s Financial Beliefs

By performing The Money Formula protocol, you can begin to identify for yourself what is the true meaning of wealth for you. For some, like myself, true wealth is affording high quality education for my children. For others, it may be buying a boat and experiencing freedom. Many of us have conditioned our financial lives under the scope and influence of our parent’s financial beliefs. However, when you begin to examine your thoughts and feelings about money and discover that most of them are not even yours to begin with, you’ll find that what make you happy may be shockingly different to what makes your parents happy.

Meet Candy Barone

Candy truly specializes in helping organizations learn how to “feed the soul of business.” Her company, You Empowered Strong, is a catalyst in bringing a new perspective to what it really means to be a thought leader and how to build powerful, high-performing teams.

​Candy and her team help individuals own how they choose to show up, serve others, and how they take greater personal responsibility inside that space. As your accountability powerhouse, leadership trainer, executive coach and business strategist, Candy “pulls no punches” in teaching leaders how to lead from love, with love.

She brings nearly 20 years of corporate experience to the table and is a master at building exceptional, high-performing teams, maximizing and leveraging ROI, growing emerging leaders, and catapulting individuals to achieve explosive growth.

​Candy delivers value through her powerful presentations, interactive team workshops, and ongoing accountability systems and coaching.

How Have Your Parents Shaped Your Financial Beliefs?

After listening to this podcast, have you identified the ways your parents have shaped your financial beliefs? Please share your thoughts and stories with us in the comments. And, if you haven’t already purchased a copy of The Money Formula, be sure to get yours and join the conversation at The Money Formula book readers club.

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How To Balance Money And Health

Money and health are tightly connected. And, when thinking of the two, millions of Americans are stressed out! Often, people will skip going to the doctor or avoid seeking health care because they are afraid of their hospital bill. What a way to live! But, sadly, many people, including women, in America do this. We also have a lot of negative things to say about money that doesn’t help our health situation.

I know when I was growing up, our family avoided going to the doctor unless it was absolutely horrible. Routine things like getting braces – which I eventually got when I became an adult – were simply out of the question. These kinds of things are simply out of the question for most families!

Do you remember my story of my friends Jhaysonn who was suffering from Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma? His father and mother desperately raised money on a GoFundMe page to raise money for his healthcare. If it were not for healthcare laws that made it illegal to ban healthcare from individuals with pre-existing conditions, he would have certainly died sooner. As a result, I am a major proponent of mental health awareness and healthcare access for all – no matter what your income level is. Obviously, access to healthcare should not be limited only to the rich. And, we must talk about this painful and politically charged subject on the basis of how we feel about money and health as mutually exclusive subjects.

That is why I was a guest on The Autoimmune Hour to talk about the serious impacts of money and health when things get tough. Also, join the Women’s Financial Freedom Tour to have a frank conversation about money.

Have you experienced a health challenge? Have you ever had to choose between money and health?

Please let me know in the comments.

money and health podcast the money formula

About Our Discussion On Money And Health From Sharon’s Show Note’s Page

In this fascinating episode with money and work-life balance expert Leslie Juvin-Acker, the author of ‘The Money Formula: Change Your Relationship To Money In 7 Steps & 15 Minutes Or Less,’ explores the topic of money and healing.

The host of The Autoimmune Hour, Sharon Sayler firmly believes that how we do one thing is how we do everything… and by understanding your deeply rooted emotional connections to money and financial-security you may uncover secrets to improve your health too.

Leslie will share how to break your unhelpful emotional connections and limiting beliefs so that you can make healthy, empowering choices. Plus, let’s be honest, it’s not cheap to heal! We could all use a little help in understanding our beliefs about money… and how to:

• Develop creative decision-making skills

• Reverse thought patterns that do not serve you

• Separate problems from emotions

• Move past worst-case thoughts and more

More About Our Guest: Leslie Juvin-Acker helps others navigate the emotional and mental challenges of money decisions and limiting beliefs to create work-life balance. She shows her clients how to tap into their imagination and intuition so that they will feel happier, fulfilled, and more confident. Learn more about Leslie and her work at

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This episode is about the emotional and money part of getting sick and the healing journey with emotional intelligence expert as well as money expert Leslie Juvin-Acker citing principles in her book called “The Money Formula: Change Your Relationship With Money In Seven-Steps and Fifteen Minutes or Less.”

0:04:40.9 Sharon asks Leslie what she finds common when people talk about money and Leslie replies by saying that, oftentimes, when faced with challenging situations, people tend to go to a very negative and fearful place.

They begin to discuss at length how to transform that thinking and bring people back to a state of power to feel good about their health journey from a financial point of view.

0:24:20.5 Imagination being one of the Money Formula principles to respond to a financial situation, Sharon asks Leslie to share some tips as to how to use the imagination to look at your financial situation from a different point of view.

0:36:15.0 They also talked about how to create work-life balance. And with just ten minutes or so left, before the information on Leslie’s website and the like, she shares some final thoughts on happiness.

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