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All of us feel overwhelmed by life at one point or another. Men and women worry about doing it all - all while wanting it all. It's a normal experience to feel lost, overwhelmed, and confused by our life experiences. Some feel adrift. Others feel disoriented.

When Life Feels Too Much To Handle

This week, I had two separate conversations with two different friends about the challenges they are facing in their lives. These are two, strong independent women who work, mother, and co-create their lives with their husbands. They are going through normal issues that we all face in life - career challenges, death, disease, uncertainty, and so on. They are trying to handle everything themselves. It's no wonder that they felt burned out, tired, and over the issues.

Have you been there? Have you felt like you have just had too much to handle? Have you ever felt that you're doing everything on your own? Do you feel that every day is full of responsibilities and sometimes unwanted surprises that you're caught putting out fires and just trying to get through another day?

I know I have been there. I have felt this way many times before. We all want more out of life. We wall want life to change. And then, there are those periods of our life where we feel stuck, confused, spinning out in circles and we ask, "When am I going to get a break?"

After listening to my friends, I told them something that is a big theme for me to share this week. It first started with an important conversation with my husband Franck.

Franck said he sometimes feel like he has so much to do and to handle. He said his entire days from morning until night are non-stop. Between kids, work, home responsibilities, and our pets, he said he found it hard to push forward on other things or just get a grip on his feelings about everything that is happening and changing. He said he felt an overwhelming responsibility for everything; to keep it all moving in an upward progression. In a way, he felt that if he stopped, then everything around him would fall apart. As if his centripetal force was what kept his life moving and together.

Letting Go of Control AND Trusting God

After listening to him share his feelings, I went to study. As I was focusing on my work, I heard Spirit say, "Tell Franck to give his life to God, so God can fight his battles for him."

I walked down stairs for lunch. I said, "Do you feel like you're fighting all these battles on your own?"

He looked at me and nodded. He said he felt as if there was so much going on that he had to be on guard all the time.

I said, "You know, if you give your life, your heart, your career, and your problems to God, s/he will take care of them for you. Would you like that?"

He didn't understand how that actually works, this whole concept of "giving your life to God."

It sounds like the Christian "getting saved" concept. It is, actually. It could also be like the Buddhist who go "the Way".

Further explained, when we left that "Oneness" of God to incarnate into humans, we were given the gift of "Free Will". We can choose to walk with God in consciousness. Or, do whatever we want, thinking we're the center of the Universe that makes everything happen.

That free will option is why we choose to live the way we live. It's why we choose to ignore the signs of life that are answering our prayers. Free will is why we turn down opportunities or accept them. We can refuse help and try to do everything on our own. Free will is freedom. However, freedom exists on a spectrum, it's not an absolute in an earthly sense. We have degrees of freedom like toddlers in a garden (they can't leave the garden, they can do anything they want within in the bounds of the garden).

When we give our lives, hearts, children, and careers to God, forces more powerful than ourselves can guide us, protect us, and comfort us. Of course, forces that are more powerful are more intelligent and more connected to the Universe than we are in this limited state of human conscious being. When we release control over to God and act in faith, we're able to access and experience greater levels of freedom. And, as a result, greater levels of understanding.

Handing It All To God

So, I said to Franck, "Let's hand over your life to God. Let's surrender control, worry, responsibility, and all the burdens to God and see what happens."

And so, we prayed:

"Dear God, I surrender my life to you. I give to you my burdens, my pain, and the hurt that I carry in my heart and body. I give to you my career, my family, my finances, and every other aspect of my life. I welcome your presence, your guidance, your wisdom to come into my life and in my heart. In Jesus' name. Amen."

Some might call this the Salvation Prayer. Having grown up within the Christian paradigm, this is what we were told in the church. But, it's way bigger than a church paradigm. Rather, it's saying something profound.

It's an acknowledgement of our human frailty. It's a realization that we are, in human form, so limited and unaware of the greater forces at play in our lives. It is a surrender of the control and responsibility we believe we have over others, situations, and outcomes. It's handing over everything that plagues us in human form: anxiety, worry, shame, confusion and so forth - and opening up our hearts and minds willingly to the oneness of life and letting it in to enhance and improve our life experiences.

One can't say this prayer without sincerely meaning it. Why? Because when you say this prayer you come from a place of understanding and sacrifice. You're sacrificing the illusion of free will, power, and control for greater understanding of what freedom, power, and control really mean.

I explained to my friends what giving it all to God really means. They understood and I invited them to do so. We can't give our problems to a coach, a friend, or a loved one and expect them to fully understand or fix them. We can share and they can help, but there are greater forces at work in the world that can solve our problems more creatively than humans alone can imagine. That's what it means to surrender to God; not be enslaved by ritual or religion.

Does this make sense to you? Would you like to get go of the battles that you are fighting? Would you like to open up your heart and mind to the greater possibilities of life? Give the prayer mentioned above a try. See what happens and let me know of the results as they unfold.

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Angel Number Meanings Re-Interpreted As Doreen Virtue Walks Away From The Metaphysical Community

It's no secret in the metaphysical community that Doreen Virtue turned her back on her long and world renowned career as an angel communicator. She made her mark as one of Hay House's illustrious authors, Angel oracle card creator, and Angel Reading training programs. According to her Youtube Channel, she has since taken a fundamentalist Christian stance saying that she regrets ever doing her work as a medium who connected to other worldly and inter-dimensional beings.

She was best known for "Angel Numbers". Angel numbers are coined as a sign from Heaven as a way that angels, higher beings, loved ones that have crossed over, and God him/herself is communicates with us.

Angels Have Their Own Unique Angel Number Meanings For Us All

I love angel numbers as a simple and direct way of getting insight to any life situation. I have a habit of saying angel numbers out loud in the car. Eventually, my toddlers started saying them out loud, too, when they began to recognize number combinations. (Hey, I'm teaching my kids number recognition!) After years of doing this in the car with friends, clients, and family members, they all start to look for them, too. Even my brother who is an on-call transportation concierge asks while he is on the road, "What does 999 mean?" Simply said, angel numbers play an important role in my life as a guide for mental direction.

There are many angel number meanings that are unique to you and your loved ones. For example, 511 is my way of knowing that my husband's deceased grandfather is communicating to us from the other side. He usually comes to help during administrative or business challenges in my life. He helps me to stay calm and focused on my goals. 511 for me reminds me to stay focused on my attitude rather than the outcomes. When it comes to angel number meanings, you can come up with your own meanings. With this journal entry, I'd like to share my own angel number meanings as a re-interpretation.

Angel Number Meaning for 111 (or 1111)

New Doors Are Opening. Walk through them! Keep your thoughts positive as you are quickly manifesting your reality through your mental activity. Remember, the mind is the builder.

Angel Number Meaning for 222 (2222)

Now is the time to act. Made a choice, take a decision, and step forward. The best way to succeed is to take action at this time. Less talking, more doing. Be more than just talk.

Angel Number Meaning For 333 (3333)

Be sure to check that your thoughts, feelings, and actions are aligned. Are you saying or feeling one thing and doing another? Is someone else being hypocritical? Now is the time to be absolutely clear with your intentions and actions as they reveal your heart's desires. This angel number meaning to also mean to hang tight and let things play out - true intentions will soon be revealed.

Angel Number Meaning 444 (4444)

Celebrate! Rejoice in the miracles big and small in your life. Remember that on the flip side of a negative situation is a win; every dark cloud has a silver lining. If you're unsure about a situation, stay hopeful and positive in knowing things are working out for your best and highest good-whether or not you believe it!

Angel Number Meaning for 555 (5555)

Life may seem to be at a stand still right now. Or, you may be feeling stuck and unsure what to do - even if you really want to take action. The best thing to do right now is to ask for help and let others assist you. They may have a better vision than you when it comes to your situation and they can point you in the right direction. Remember, you don't need to know everything in life in order to move forward. You just need to know when to ask for help.

Angel Number Meaning For 666 (6666)

Pay attention to selfish inclinations. You or someone you know may be self-centered at this time and may be losing touch with reality. Instead, reconnect with your heart to remember what is important to your right now. Love will guide you in the right direction. In short, it may be tempting to act selfishly, but the world is watching and it's best to stay faithful to your ideals.

Angel Number Meaning For 777 (7777)

777 angel number meaning indicates that you are a beloved child of God/Universe. And, as such,remember that the world is alive and sees you, knows you, and loves you. 777 means you are not alone and the world is collaborating to help you to remember your integral part of life. 777 can also be short code for "Jackpot!". If you are mulling over a decision or an idea and see 777, know that it's divinely inspired.

Angel Number Meaning 888 (8888)

Angel Number meaning means luck of the draw. Trust and understand that Universal forces are bringing you new options - options always represent the power of choice. If there is something that your heart truly desires, then know that all you have to do is say, "I choose it!" You don't have to accept 2nd best. You can have what you want in life if you have the courage to do two things: 1. Ask for it 2. Show up to take it.

Angel Number Meaning for 999 (9999)

999 Angel Number Meaning says wishes fulfilled. That thing you've been working for? You got it. Be in a state of peace and gratitude as life unfolds for you to receive it. 999 says that it's ok for you to have what you want in life as long as you allow yourself to receive it. 999 means that you're out of a state of withholding and are now allowing yourself to have the things and life experiences that are right for you.

Angel Number Meaning For 000 (0000)

Stop and take a moment to pray. This is God directly saying "I'm listening, talk to me." This is an opportunity for instant manifestation if you trust God to hear you and honor your request. Remember, prayers are always answered - just not how you expect. Surrender to the flow of life and let God take your hand and your life into a positive direction. This sign could also indicate a need to have more trust in life, yourself,and others. In short, have faith, stop and pray. Prayer works if you're willing to act in faith.

Why You Should Create Your Own Angel Number Meanings

These are my angel numbers meanings re-interpreted. You are free to create your own angel number meanings and use your own inner guidance system to take your awareness to new levels. In fact, I encourage you to create your own angel number meanings. Use mine if you're just starting out, but then take creative liberty for the unique life situations you encounter.

Do you have your own angel number meanings? Share your meanings with us in the comments.

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You don't have to be afraid of your emotions. Emotions can be safely explored and expressed. Join us for an enlightening discussion on emotions.

In this episode of Valuable Insight, Leslie Juvin-Acker and Daniel Beavers discuss the value of emotions and their role in creating physical and psychological harmony in our lives.

Daniel reveals childhood trauma in which is was physically and sexually abused as a child. He shares how he tried to mask the abuse and hide his emotions. And, he shares how those repressed emotions began to wreak havoc on his emotional and mental health.

As an emotional intelligence expert, Leslie explains the role of emotions and how, if not effectively expressed, emotions can interfere with our daily lives.

Leslie explains how to re-write your past and change how you feel about a situation that you experienced in the past.

Recommended Reading Mentioned In The Episode:

Facing The Fire: Experiencing and Expressing Anger Appropriately by John Lee

What to Say When You Talk to Your Self, Shad Helmstetter

Leslie and Daniel explain how to deal with life situations in a way that builds your own self-awareness. That awareness will help you break free from situations and emotions that are harming your well-being.

Most importantly, Leslie and Daniel are encouraging you to never be afraid of your emotions. Emotions can be overwhelming and can make us feel afraid and alone. You don't have to judge your emotions, either. Have different dialogue with your self.

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