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4 Steps To Finding Happiness And Overcome Anxiety

Taking the steps to finding happiness are simple, but are often obscured by crippling anxiety. Anxiety is a menace to mental health of leaders because if you’re stressing about the future, then you can’t be present for the now. Anxiety steals the opportunities of the moment and plagues the mind with unwanted thoughts and even scary ones.

Anxiety is a killer of dreams, because when we look towards the future, we see doom and gloom. Fear of the future is so common that it’s no wonder why many fail as entrepreneurs where taking calculated risks is cornerstone toward growth. These four steps to finding happiness will get you back on track and in your state of happiness and out of anxiety fast.

1. Realize That Anxiety Is Too Painful To Handle Alone

The first step to finding happiness is getting qualified, holistic help. Anxiety is a losing battle when doing it alone. The shame and stigma of anxiety is so prevalent that professionals often hide their inner struggle for mental clarity. So, suppressing anxiety becomes so disorienting that we find ourselves off track.

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First step to finding happiness and overcoming anxiety is finding qualified help.

2. Determine Your Vision of True Happiness 

Once you realize that you don’t have to go through the stress of anxiety alone, it’s time to focus on your vision of happiness. It’s time to stop thinking negative thoughts and replace them with a glimmer of hope for the future.

Career Happiness

Your anxiety might be centered around your career: workplace conflict, feeling lost in your career, feeling overlooked and underutilized, or maybe overwhelmed by the demands of your career. These are all common sources of anxiety for professionals. Instead, determine if you want to learn new skills for handling difficult colleagues or customers, find a new job that feels in line with your life purpose, or tell a new story that will help you ace the interview. Or, maybe just feel at peace in your career once and for all.

Relationship Happiness

Perhaps, your relationship has got you down. Maybe you’re over the drama in romantic relationships and want to take the steps to happiness in your marriage. Or, maybe you’re already married and want to rekindle the passion on your relationship. Maybe you realize that it’s time to stop arguing, blaming, and bullying your partner and find kinder, loving ways to communicate with your spouse.

Financial Happiness

Many professionals struggle to take the steps to happiness when it comes to financial abundance. It’s hard not to feel anxious about money when it isn’t presently available. Overcoming financial anxiety can be broken down by releasing emotional and behavioral patterns that keeps money from our grasp. The first step in creating financial happiness is determining a vision for what you’ll do with all the money you want.

Emotional Well-Being

Maybe you’re having a hard time pinning down the source of your anxiety. Maybe, you just want to stop feeling anxious all the time and want to take the first steps to finding happiness by feeling emotionally calm and mentally clear.

anxiety relief, stress relief advice, how to overcome anxiety, happiness after anxiety

Second step is to select your vision of happiness. Choose one of four steps to finding happiness with a Guide Pack.

3. Taking Steps To Finding Happiness Requires Commitment

Now, ask yourself, “What is all of this anxiety costing me?”

Is anxiety costing you quality sleep? Are the by-products of anxiety, like the fear of asking for a sale or raise, costing you earning potential from your business? Is anxiety cutting you off from the world, costing you the emotional connection with your spouse or children?

If you could put in dollar amount how much anxiety and stress is costing you on the long-term, how much would you say anxiety robbing from you? Afterwards, how much would living in peace and emotional freedom give you? Then, put in how much you would pay to completely free yourself of the burden of anxiety in your life. If the power of the good outweighs the bad, then encourage yourself to commit to finding happiness.

anxiety coaching, anxiety stress counseling

Third step is to commit to your State of Happiness Guide Pack. Once you’ve determine which area you’d like to take a step to finding happiness, enter in your details on our secure check out page. Save your profile for convenient scheduling and future purchases.

4. Taking The Steps To Finding Happiness Equals Happiness

Now that you’ve finally committed to taking the steps to happiness, you’re on your way and in the State of Happiness. The very act of making a choice to be happy has set you on your path towards your goals. Believe it or not, small steps pave the road of success and thank yourself for getting the guidance you need for lasting change and emotional freedom from anxiety.

affordable life coaching for anxiety, executive stress relief, career anxiety

Finally, book your guidance session. When your order is complete, the receipt page will pop up. You’ll also receive an email confirmation.  Click on the appropriate package link included in the message. You’ll then be guided to schedule your Guidance Sessions with Leslie Juvin-Acker.

Steps to Happiness

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We’ve got your back. Get A Confirmation Via Webpage, Email, & Text! You’ll receive web confirmation, as well as an email confirming your session. You’ll also receive text message reminders of your upcoming Guidance Session. It’s that simple.


Leslie, Inc. offers solutions for finding happiness through one-on-one coaching, mindful leadership retreats, and digital products. If you’re ready to GET HAPPY, check out Leslie’s guide packs. For more tips on achieving your state of happiness, sign up for Leslie, Inc’s weekly newsletter.

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